A few months ago, NASA astronauts made a video on the International Space Station showing what happens when you put an Alka-Seltzer tablet into a floating water droplet.
The video went viral and had viewers fascinated watching the chemical reaction occur in the weightlessness of space. Earlier this month, NASA astronaut Scott Kelly — who is currently on a historic twelve-month mission aboard the ISS — took the experiment a step further by adding blue and green food coloring to another floating water droplet before adding an antacid tablet.

NASA Astronaut Scott Kelly adding an antacid tablet to a green and blue floating water droplet. Image Credit: NASA
The outcome was filmed on a $57,000 high-resolution camera, and is, quite simply, spectacular.
Check out the video below to watch the reaction. Make sure to watch the video in 4K resolution if your screen allows by clicking the settings icon in the bottom right.
Watch more of NASA’s video from space here.